
LFC number plate scam

Police have launched an investigation after Liverpool fans lost thousands on a website promoting LFC registration plates.

Sal Adams of Lancashire told number plate owners he could make them up to £100,000 by selling their Reds number plates using his friends at Anfield and contacts in the Middle East.

But fans who put their number plates on the website said that the result was non-existent buyers and demands for up to £2,000 for legal fees and charitable donations.

Adams claimed he set up his website to sell the Fernando Torres plate "F9 LFC" for Unicef.

Following their own inquiries the UN children’s charity have said they do not want their trademark appearing on his site nor will they except donations from him.

Javed Hoque of Birmingham was told his F6 LFC plate was being purchased by Saudi Prince Faisal bin Fahd bin Abdullah as it included the name of his F6 promotions company.

"He was very persuasive. He told me that talks with the Prince’s company were going very well, that this was an incredible opportunity and I had to act quickly. There was a lot of pressure and a lot of chat about how your family can benefit. He said I needed to pay £1,000 only for the solicitors fee. I paid it, but nothing happened." Said the Liverpool fan.

Mr Hoque went on: "He kept going on about what a big Liverpool fan he was but said he really liked Florent Sinama Pongolle."

Michael Guinan, a 31 year old accountant, of Chelmsford, owns the registration FT 09 LFC and was among the fans to contact Mr Adams.

"He promised up to £100,000 but it would cost me £2,000 to host it on the site. I told him straight away that I wouldn’t give him that but eventually I risked £500 up front and the rest at the end of the auction. He told me a guy from Norway had bought it and money was wanted for legal fees."

In e-mails sent to unsuspecting number plate owners Mr Adams writes: "The small fee is nothing to what you will received (sic) for your plates. We have a number of Middle Eastern customers who would place bids for your plate."

Lancashire Police confirmed they had arrested Adams, of Preston New Road, Blackpool, on suspicion of fraud relating to vehicle registrations and that the investigation was continuing.



Killer Number Plates

On Tuesday 1/12/09 we were notified that the number plate ranges below were being withdrawn from sale because they were deemed offensive:

BO10CS_ (A to Y)
BO10KS_ (A to Y)
(A to Y) _B10W ME

Todays email says that all the K11L registrations, withheld in 1992 for being offensive, are now returned to availability.

Not important really. Just makes me wonder how these decisions are made.

Anyway heres a list of all the K11L 'plates and their prices:

(PS; Don't bother looking for K11LER. If it had been in there, I would of had it ; )

K11LAB 390
K11LAC 390
K11LAD 390
K11LAE 245
K11LAF 245
K11LAG 245
K11LAJ 390
K11LAK 390
K11LAL 390
K11LAN 490
K11LAO 245
K11LAP 245
K11LAT 245
K11LAU 490
K11LAW 980
K11LAX 245
K11LAY 390
K11LBA 245
K11LBB 245
K11LBC 245
K11LBD 245
K11LBE 245
K11LBF 245
K11LBG 245
K11LBH 245
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K11LDP 590
K11LDR 245
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K11LDY 245
K11LEA 590
K11LEB 245
K11LEC 245
K11LEE 1565
K11LEF 245
K11LEG 245
K11LEH 245
K11LEJ 245
K11LEK 245
K11LEL 245
K11LEN 1275
K11LEO 490
K11LEP 245
K11LET 390
K11LEU 245
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K11LEX 390
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K11LFC 490
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It's Free !!

Reg/UP51ART/Robert Steel

(Right. I'd best go find a job.. : )


6O sells for £100k

24-year-old Ghanim al-Hadaifi bought the registration 6 O during the final day of DVLA Personalised Registrations' Christmas auction at Tankersley Manor Hotel, near Barnsley.

This purchase takes his total spend for the year to more than £246,000 on just three number plates and yet he claims his number plate collection is still not complete.

Mr al-Hadaifi is a member of the Qatar diplomatic family living in London and he bought 4 O at the DVLA summer auction for £63,000 and 5 O at the agency's autumn event for £83,000, the latter of which was a gift for the Qatari ruling family.

Mr al-Hadaifis spokesman said: "Money is not really an issue, he just wants the best registrations he can have for his cars. Even though he has bought 4 O and 6 O for himself, he already has his sights set on numerous others which we hope will be auctioned next year."

DVLA Personalised Registrations released the O-series to commemorate it's 20th anniversary. Each of its six auctions throughout the year has featured one of the plates in its catalog staring with 1 O in January. In total, 1 O, 2 O, 3 O, 4 O, 5 O and now 6 O have raised £666,560 with all the money raised going to the Treasury.

"The O-series has been a phenomenally success for us. Clearly Mr al-Hadaifi has the bug to buy the best plates he can. What is extremely pleasing is that he always makes the effort to come along to the auction in person and raises the atmosphere to a whole new level" said Damian Lawson, DVLA Personalised Registrations' Marketing Manager.


DVLA '10' first day sales

DVLA Personalised Registrations' made £2 million from its first day sale of its 10-series registrations.

Senior staff at the Agency were stunned by the response on December 1. Incredibly, 2,329 registrations totalling £1.2 million were sold within the first hour of the sale going live at 8.30am.

The rush occurred as fans of private registrations clambered to buy the new series which can only be assigned to vehicles from March 1st, 2010.

"While we knew there was interest surrounding the new 10 series, we never expected the level of response we received on day one. We have all been left quite stunned." Said Damian Lawson, DVLA Personalised Registrations' Marketing Manager.

DVLA Personalised Registrations has sold more than 2.5 million number plates in it's 20 years of life and has more than 800,000 visits every month.


2 B(i)G 2 FAIL

This number plate belongs to the Morgan Stanley Vice-Chairman, Rob Kindler and I bet he's genuinely surprised every time his car gets vandalised....



DVLA Ban More Plates

The DVLA withdrew two number plates from their latest auction (3/12/2009) for fear they may cause offence.

The registration 1 NLA was removed because it could be made to read 'INLA' which is the acronym for the outlawed Irish National Liberation Army that assassinated Conservative MP Airey Neave with a car bomb at the House of Commons in 1979.

The sale would have contravened a long-standing ban on plates associated with terrorists and could have outraged the families of the people killed by the paramilitary group during the Troubles in Northern Ireland .

PAK 11N was pulled because it could be made to read 'PAKI IN' which includes term of abuse often directed at immigrants from the South Asian Islamic Republic.

A senior DVLA executive said "human error" was to blame for the registrations slipping through the net.

1 NLA was due to be auctioned with a reserve price of £3,200 on the second day of the three-day sale of 1,500 numbers expected to raise a total in the region of £2 million.

But previous experience suggests that the final bid may have been higher. It would almost certainly have raised a five-figure sum at the auction at Tankersley Manor, Barnsley, South Yorks.

PAK 11N was due to be auctioned on Friday and had a reserve of £400. Both number plates had been passed for sale by a DVLA internal standards committee that considers each registration prior to sale.

The withdrawals come just two months after the DVLA was forced to remove from sale two homophobic plates - F4 GOT and D1 KES - from its last auction following a complaint from gay rights charity Stonewall. Click Here! For more information

Its 'proprietary steering group' is in place to sensor number plates that could be altered to spell out potentially offensive words .

"Missing the potential significance of these particular marks was human error. They have been removed as a precaution in case they cause offence,"

"More attention is being paid by the steering group for future sales. Out of the thousands of marks we sell, one or two may slip through the net.

"Some people may see a registration as offensive. Some people may not. We have to be very, very careful now." said Damian Lawson, DVLA Personalised Registrations marketing manager.

Since 1989 when the cherished numbers scheme was first launched, three million personalised plates have been sold raising £1.3 billion. Sales are now estimated to generate between 4 and 5 million pounds a month.

The first DVLA auction was held at Christies in London where 74 registrations went up for sale including 1A for £160,000, 1 T (£56,000) and MUS 1C (£65,000) and more than 120 auctions have been held since.

The record sales price for a registration plate at a DVLA auction is £440,625 (£375,000 plus VAT) bought by Mr. Afzal Khan in January, 2008. Click Here To see BBC News Report

The DVLA list of banned registrations includes 054 MA, HE58 OLA and BU58 OMB plus all plates beginning with JE and ending HAD.

The Agency has been accused of being a spoil sport for banning the sale of much less offensive sequences like 59 ANK, 59 ERM, BO10 CKS and P10 NKA but I think in the future we may well see these plates either returned to availability or put under the hammer.



Ferrari fan buys 458 FER

Ferrari fan John McKeon paid £21,714 for what he hopes will be the ultimate personalised registration for his Ferrari 458 when it arrives next year.

458 FER was sold during the first day of DVLA Registrations' three-day auction currently being held at Tankersley Manor Hotel, near Barnsley.

Although the £21,714 price tag was the most spent on a single registration, Mr McKeon decided to buy another two registrations - 2 END and DUM 8B - for "a bit of a laugh", spending a grand total of £25,000.

Immediately after securing the 458 FER registration, Mr McKeon said: "What a buzz. Buying the plate was nearly as exciting as buying my Ferrari, I just can't wait to see it on my car."

He added: "The 458 Italia has to be the Ferrari of the moment, as far as I'm concerned I have the perfect private registration for it. "


KS10 XXX or SC10 CUR?

Now this is a subject which divides the nation somewhat, well the UK anyway: personalised number plates. Some think they're cool. Some think they're naff. And some can't see what the fuss is about, and would prefer to spend their money on other things. All points of view are entirely reasonable: it's a matter of personal taste. I happen to think that a personalised number plate adds a touch of individuality to that metal box with rubber wheels that sits on your drive.

The '10' registrations went on sale today. I've bought two of them. They're not for the battered hulk that I've been driving around in since 2002. They're for the new car I'll probably be obliged to get by the end of 2010. My ten-year-old Honda CR-V has done nearly 130,000 miles and although it continues to give good service, it is showing signs of age. If it breaks down, I shan't give it a further chance. As a vulnerable and feeble girly, I can't risk driving a car that isn't reliable at midnight on a snowy night; nor one that might burst a hose when towing the caravan up some hill. So new car, new fancy registration. Of course, it might happen that the randomly-allocated plate that my new car will come with may be an interesting one; but probably not.

So I've become the proud owner of KS10 XXX and SC10 CUR, which on the plate look just the same as KSIO XXX and SCIO CUR.

The first is 'kissio kiss kiss kiss' (please don't laugh). The second is of course Latin for 'I know why', which may intrigue a few people if they know any Latin at all (although I suspect that it's bad Latin). I hope neither intrigues the police!

I did consider some other registrations, such as PR10 RTY ('PRIORTY' - too expensive, and someone got in before me anyway), SC10 LEX ('SCIO LEX' - Latin for 'I know the law', except that it should be 'SCIO LEGEM' which you can't have with the UK system), and the uplifting and aspirational SC10 PAX ('SCIO PAX' - Latin for 'I know Peace', except that it really ought to be 'SCIO PACEM', which again you can't have).

Of course, apart from finding the cash for a new car, I still have to decide between kisses and knowledge. Now that's not an easy or obvious choice to make!

Posted by Lucy Melford

Don't know why. I just liked it.
Thanks Lucy


Fraud trail for Peter Swatton

Arrogant Peter Swatton claims he's one of Britain's top players when it comes to personalised car number plates.
(Odd that since I'd never heard of him until I read this article)

Mainly he's good at getting personalised County Court Judgments.

We've heard from one of his latest victims, who bought a plate from Swatton's www.cherishedmarks.net in January 2007.

It took nine months, but eventually the plate arrived.

He went on to buy two more personal plates for a total of £6,750 in July last year.

"In March this year I finally received a certificate for one plate, with no mention of the other," he told us.

"I have made over 200 attempts to contact him. When I spoke to him last year he kept mentioning his terms and conditions which state that he can keep the money until the plate is ready - but that could go on indefinitely."

So he sued Swatton for £3,050, joining the long list of people who've taken the 53-year-old from Titchfield, Hants, to court.

He also operates as Berlinetta and www.carnumbers.piczo.com, and has 31 outstanding judgments against him, worth more than £90,000.

The largest is for £8,509 and another is almost five years old.

We first came across this walking disaster following a string of complaints in 2004.

The first thing he said when we turned up at his house was: "Are you bailiffs?"

But when we tried contacting him again this week the gate to his detached house was padlocked and our phone calls and emails were ignored.

If you want a personal plate, buy one through a member of the Retail Motor Industry's Cherished Numbers Dealers Association (www.cnda.co.uk).

Swatton, funnily enough, is not a member.

Update: Due to a pending court case we cannot for the moment accept any further comments on this blog. If you wish to post a comment please do so, but we won't be able to publish it at this time. When proceedings are concluded normal service will be resumed.

Article Author:

By Andrew Penman on December 3, 2009 12:00 AM in Investigations news




Cool eh..?
This one's not a British number plate unfortunately.

(Click Here! to find out where)

There is an identical UK registration though.
It's currently on a Rolls Royce "Tourer". (what ever that is)


Oh! And there's more. These two just in, care of @GermanCarScene on Twitter.

Cheers mate!

No wait! And another!

This one was sent in from New Zealand by it's owner, Pete Marcroft.
AKA; @PeteMarcroft on Twitter.

Cheers Pete.

(And keep'em coming folks)


£80m from '10' plates

£80m just from the 10 number plates!?
I think that's a bit optimistic as they 'only' make about that across the whole plate range.

Still. Click Here! to read the article.



'10' Issue Dates and Tips on getting in there First

The next series of number plates is gonna be AA10 AAA to YY10 YYY.

Below is the relevant excerpt of the notification letter we receive from the DVLA;

Dear "Dealer"

"The new 10 series will be available to view ONLY on our website from Monday 2nd November 2009 and will be on sale from 8:30am on Tuesday 1st December 2009.
This will be co-ordinated both online and via our telesales line.
The base price for the 10 series will be £390.

Initially you will be allowed one sale and up to five browses per call via our sales line until call volumes drop. The online purchasing process will operate as normal by completing each sale individually and returning to the browse function to search for another registration."

Let me warn you now; The first sales day of new issue DVLA number plates is on a par with the football match in 'Bedknobs and Broomsticks'.
My advice, if you're using the telesales line, is to gain access to as many phones as possible and have them all on redial.
If you're buying online then be sure to familiarize yourself with the buying process before the day...! If you get the hang of it in advance then you should be able to complete the transaction at 8:30:01 which is the only way you're going to beat the dealers.

Click Buying DVLA Number Plates Online to view a step by step demo of this process.

Which ever route you take keep in mind that you're probably not going to get your first choice of registration if it's obviously worth more than it's face value.
The dealers have a lot of phones and a lot of computers so it's a good idea to have several 'back up' plates in mind to avoid disappointment.

Good Luck with that. (Rather you than me)



F1 Plate May Be Up For Sale..! But you're probably gonna need to sell your Lear Jet to buy the whole package

It seems there's been some confusion over the current ownership of the F1 number plate.

Back in January I posted a BBC clip about the DVLA sale of F1 to Afzal Kahn for £440k, still the most expensive number plate ever sold in the UK.
(Click Here to see video)

Recently there has been some speculation that the plate has been put up for sale by Jenson Button.

If you want to know the facts, Click Here! to read a brief article by James Baggott of;

(Cheers for the info.)



Random Marks Returned

Received an update file of 294 random marks returned to availability today and they're not;

*A10BEE* £590
*A10PAR* £685
*A10SUN* £590
*A10TEE* £785
*A11ATS* £685
*A11BAD* £1275
*A11BAT* £785
*A11BOY* £1275
*A11BRA* £785
*A11DRY* £785
*A11EAR* £785
*A11GLD* £785
*A11GST* £490
*A11NOW* £980
*A11NTY* £980
*A11OHA* £1275
*A11ONE* £785
*A11OWS* £785
*A11PAR* £685
*A11SUN* £590
*A11TEE* £785
*A12PAR* £590
*A12SUN* £590
*A12TEE* £590
*A13BES* £590
*A13BYE* £590
*A13ESS* £390
*A13MWS* £390
*A13PAR* £590
*A13SUN* £590
*A13TEE* £590
*A13UCH* £390
*A14PAR* £590
*A14SUN* £590
*A14TEE* £590
*A15AAB* £980
*A15KAB* £490
*A15ONY* £785
*A15PAR* £590
*A15SUN* £590
*A15TEE* £590
*A16CAB* £590
*A16PAR* £590
*A16SUN* £590
*A16TEE* £590
*A17PAR* £590
*A17SUN* £590
*A17TEE* £590
*A18SUN* £590
*A19PAR* £590
*A19SUN* £590
*A20CWT* £245
*A20PAR* £590
*A20SUN* £590
*A20TEE* £590
*A2EYE* £785
*A2PLY* £490
*A2TEE* £785
*A3PAR* £685
*A3PLY* £490
*A3TEE* £785
*A4ARM* £1275
*A4EYE* £785
*A4GUN* £980
*A4TEE* £785
*A5PAR* £685
*A5SAH* £785
*A5TEE* £785
*A6PAR* £685
*A6SUN* £590
*A6TEE* £785
*A7HOL* £980
*A7HOS* £785
*A7PAR* £685
*A7SUN* £590
*A7TEE* £785
*A8PAR* £685
*A8SEY* £490
*A8SUN* £590
*A8TEE* £785
*A9PAR* £685
*A9SUN* £590
*A9TEE* £785
*B10RGS* £490
*B1ELA* £1275
*B1NKO* £1275
*B1RTL* £1275
*H15BRA* £590
*H15GTE* £1275
*H15MOL* £980
*H15PAN* £490
*H15ROV* £590
*H16ANG* £980
*H16NAT* £785
*H18ANG* £980
*H1EMM* £1275
*H20JHS* £390
*H3VAN* £685
*H5ALE* £980
*H5MEG* £980
*H6ANG* £1275
*H6NAT* £980
*H8ANG* £1275
*J111NNS* £490
*J11BLY* £590
*J11BOY* £590
*J11DEA* £390
*J11DEE* £980
*J11DJE* £390
*J11DOE* £245
*J11DTH* £980
*J11DYE* £685
*J11DYS* £980
*J11REX* £490
*J15ELE* £390
*J15ELL* £390
*J15UKS* £245
*J16ODS* £245
*J1AWL* £785
*J1NHA* £785
*J1SSY* £785
*J1ULY* £1275
*J3ASU* £245
*J3EVE* £980
*J3SSU* £785
*J4CDO* £390
*J555UKS* £245
*J55UKS* £245
*J5UKS* £245
*J66ODS* £245
*J6ODS* £490
*K10RRY* £590
*K11RRY* £590
*K11VOR* £590
*K13ALL* £785
*K13ALS* £590
*K15AAB* £785
*K15ERS* £980
*K15ESS* £980
*K15HAH* £1275
*K15HAW* £1275
*K15HUR* £390
*K15MUL* £390
*K15MYA* £390
*K15MYB* £390
*K15MYC* £390
*K15MYE* £390
*K15MYF* £390
*K15MYG* £390
*K15MYH* £390
*K15MYJ* £390
*K15MYK* £390
*K15MYL* £490
*K15MYM* £390
*K15MYN* £390
*K15MYO* £390
*K15MYP* £390
*K15MYR* £390
*K15MYS* £390
*K15MYT* £390
*K15MYU* £390
*K15MYV* £390
*K15MYW* £390
*K15MYX* £490
*K15MYY* £490
*K15NAN* £490
*K15NEY* £490
*K16MYD* £390
*K17KAR* £590
*K17TLE* £1565
*K17TYS* £1565
*K18ALL* £980
*K18ALS* £590
*K19PEE* £245
*K1DYY* £785
*K1JNT* £980
*K1LUR* £590
*K1ORA* £785
*K1TNS* £980
*K3FFO* £390
*K3TCH* £1275
*K4FEL* £785
*K4FKA* £785
*K4GEN* £590
*K4LAR* £590
*K4LPA* £685
*K5AAB* £980
*K8ALL* £1275
*K8ALS* £590
*K9BOX* £1275
*K9BSD* £390
*K9CWN* £245
*K9DAL* £590
*K9ETT* £245
*K9EYE* £390
*K9FOX* £1275
*K9GUN* £980
*K9JAG* £1275
*K9JOB* £980
*K9LEE* £1275
*K9LKA* £980
*K9LOO* £590
*K9MOG* £590
*K9NOB* £490
*K9PAT* £1275
*K9PED* £980
*K9PEE* £490
*K9PMD* £390
*K9POO* £390
*K9RET* £490
*K9ROT* £390
*K9SHT* £390
*K9WAG* £980
*K9WEE* £490
*K9WKC* £1275
*L11DGE* £590
*L11RDS* £490
*L15TEN* £1275
*L1LNN* £490
*L1SGO* £1275
*L1TKE* £980
*L2LTD* £785
*L3AHY* £1275
*L3CAR* £980
*L3PER* £590
*L4BAT* £590
*L4BET* £590
*L8ELL* £1275
*M11CUS* £390
*M11KER* £980
*M11NDA* £980
*M13ATE* £590
*M13UBS* £390
*M13USH* £490
*M15AAB* £980
*M15CAG* £390
*M15EAN* £685
*M15HOP* £590
*M15KUL* £245
*M15LOP* £245
*M15LUG* £390
*M15NUB* £245
*M15PAY* £390
*M15TAN* £785
*M15TAR* £685
*M15TUB* £390
*M15TYS* £1275
*M16UTS* £245
*M18AGS* £490
*M18ATE* £590
*M18UBS* £390
*M18USH* £685
*M18UTS* £245
*M1BUT* £1275
*M3GAY* £980
*M3URT* £490
*M4NGE* £785
*M4NGY* £785
*M4NKY* £785
*M555CAG* £245
*M555KUL* £245
*M555LOP* £245
*M555LUG* £245
*M555NUB* £245
*M555PAY* £245
*M555TUB* £390
*M55CAG* £390
*M55KUL* £245
*M55LOP* £245
*M55LUG* £390
*M55NUB* £245
*M55PAY* £245
*M55TUB* £390
*M5CAG* £490
*M5KUL* £390
*M5LOP* £390
*M5LUG* £490
*M5NUB* £245
*M5PAY* £390
*M5TUB* £390
*M66UTS* £245
*M6UTS* £390
*M80LUK* £245
*M888AGS* £245
*M888ATE* £390
*M888USH* £490
*M88AGS* £390
*M88ATE* £390
*M88UBS* £245
*M88USH* £590
*M8AGS* £490
*M8ATE* £980
*M8UBS* £590
*M8USH* £1275

Have fun.



Even More COW BAGs

Right... I think I've got my head around this now so here goes

The DVLA have now released, what I hope is, all of the remaining COW and BAG number plates as follows;

A1 to 20 COW
A1 to 20 BAG
E1 to 20 COW
E1 to 20 BAG
G1 to 20 COW
G1 to 20 BAG
H1 to 20 COW
H1 to 20 BAG

The prices of these plates range from £245 to £1275

J1 to 999 COW
J1 to 999 BAG


T1 to 999 COW
T1 to 999 BAG

Are priced between £245 and £1565

Again, nothing too spectacular here but here's a few suggestions, anyway.

(Not bad for £390?)

Good luck



DVLA Ban More Number Plates...?


Found this on Twitter.
A bit of a send up of the DVLA's over zealous number plates banning policy.

Good One



Offensive number plates withdrawn from DVLA auction

An interesting article in todays Independent on Sunday about offensive number plates being withdrawn from the next DVLA auction;


Having read it I find myself wondering if the DVLA and Stonewall are not missing the point of these kind of number plates.

Who else but a flamboyant, out 'n' proud, Gay person is gonna put a personalised number plate of this type on their car?

Lighten up, people.


(Or should I contact the DVLA demanding that they recall the number plate;

with immediate effect?)


More DVLA Returns..

The DVLA have just released another batch of 80 previously withheld number plates as follows;

D1 to 20 COW = Prices from £490 to £1175
D1 to 20 BAG = Prices from £490 to £1175

B1 to 20 COW = Prices from £390 to £1565
B1 to 20 Bag = Prices from £390 to £1565

It looks like B16 COW for £1565 as above has already gone.
A Trader got in there first I suspect.
But B19 COW for £980 is still available if one of you gets in quickly..!




I like that reg plate... Saw it on an off license van in Padstow...

DVLA Marks Returned to Availability

The DVLA have just returned a bunch of 'F' and 'X' prefix number plates to availability, listed below;

F1 to 20 BAG
F1 to 20 COW

Are available for between £590 and £1275 and;

X1 to 999 BAG (The full DVLA sequence)
X1 to 999 COW (The full DVLA sequence)

Are all available for £490 excluding the two 'X1's which are £980

Not great plates but good for a laugh...



Investment Number Plates And What To Buy

Most of us would not want to be seen draped in large amounts of gold jewelery but in the same breath, it must be said, after watching its resent price rally during the course of the financial down turn, a lot of us may now wish we had sold our homes and bought a few kilos of the stuff, instead.

Whilst the price of gold may now have settled down a little, the long term investor will know that, as a rule, gold will hold its value with inflation. He will also be aware, however, that any profit is subject to Capital Gains Tax.

To a lot of people, displaying a personalized number plate on a vehicle carries the same stigma as wearing excessive amounts of gold. This is an understandable point of view but one which, I think, may obscure peoples awareness of the fact that owning a personalized plate does not mean you have to wear it. It can be held on a retainer (V750 Certificate of Entitlement) at a cost of 25 pounds a year. Another interesting point is that, whilst the value of a personalized number plate will move up with inflation, unlike gold it is not subject to C.G.T. if it is bought privately. (At the time of writing this article, at least).

Obviously, there can be no standardized price for private registrations, as there is with gold, because each one of them is unique which means some will be more desirable than others. This may be off putting to a lot of potential investment buyers as they would be unsure if they were paying the right price for a registration. In reality, though, a market without standardization is the right place to look for a bargain. You just need to know where and what to look for.

Where to Buy

The most important point to remember is; Do NOT buy a registration from an after market dealer. Every dealer will have marked up the price of the number plates they are trying to sell, and if the one you happen to be interested in is being resold for a private owner then, of course, it will have been marked up twice.

So, ideally you should buy a previously unused registration as there will be no previous owner trying to make a profit on it, and also you should be buying from the same place as the dealers, themselves. Unused registrations are only supplied by the D.V.L.A., via their website or at auction.

What to buy

Though each number plate is unique there are a few guide lines that you can use when researching your purchase.

Vehicle registrations were introduced in 1903 starting with A1 and, due to the ever increasing number of vehicles on our roads, have had many different incarnations up to the eight digit registrations of the present day. As a rule, the older, the shorter and the lower the number on the registration, the more valuable it will be.

If you have upward of five thousand pounds to spend then I would suggest you buy a plate beginning or ending in one (e.g.; 1 R.M.L. / R.M.L. 1) as, historically, these have always been the most desirable. As I said before, the best prices will be from the source so you should look out for auction dates on the D.V.L.A. website if you decide you want to buy one of these earlier number plates. A good way to compare prices is to look at the prices achieved by number plates of the type you are interested in, from the last auction, and see what similar ones are going for on the dealer websites.

Whilst a registration that spells out a name is usually a good choice, a random word is often a better one, as it will have a broader appeal should you ever wish to sell it. With this type of number plate the age and length rules do still apply but to a much lesser extent. E5SAY is almost twenty years old with just five characters whereas UP51ART is only eight years old with seven characters but, as you can see, there is an obvious desirability factor to be considered. (The more desirable your number plate, the more valuable it will be at resale.)

If you decide on a word plate rather than your initials then you may want to consider two word plates as well (e.g. FR06 BOX). These plates are generally cheaper than single word plates but, again, the desirability factor plays a large part in the value.

If the sums of money discussed above seem a little high then the best place to look is the D.V.L.A. open sales website. There are a huge amount of bargains to be found here, in fact two of the plates mentioned in this article came from this site at prices that may surprise you (UP51ART was 799 pounds and FR06 BOX was 399 pounds).

The D.V.L.A. do try to price the number plates they are selling according to their market values but with an average of 30 million registrations on their website at any one time and around seven million new ones being added biannually, they inevitably miss, and so under value, thousands of them.

If you can find these plates then you will have found the best value registrations that it is possible to buy because, in doing so, you will have by passed the number plate dealers, the previous owners and the in house price scrutinizers at the D.V.L.A.

No matter which route you take, remember, there are millions of personalized number plates out there so do not rush your choice and try not to follow the herd. Just keep in mind all those worthless B.M.W. number plates that are littering our scrap yards already.



Twitter Suspension And Why It Does Not Work

When Twitter asks; “What are you doing?”
Be very carefully how you answer.

Hands up, everyone who has a Twitter Account!

Now, put your hand down again, if you have ever used Twitter to plug your line of work. (Be honest!)

Lastly, put your hand down if you have NOT read all the rules. (Again, be honest.)

Obviously this is a hypothetical scenario but my guess is, if you were to put these questions to a thousand Twitter users, by the time you had finished there would be very few hands remaining. Unfortunately, according to the rules of Twitter, this would mean you had a room full of spammers.

Before we go any further I should state that I did use Twitter until a few days ago when my account was suspended for spamming. I opened it to be greeted with this message;

"This account is currently suspended and is being investigated due to strange activity. If we have suspended your account mistakenly, please let us know. See Suspended Accounts for more information."

Assuming this to be an easily fixable error, I looked into it further until I came to this message;

"Your account was suspended for cross-posting duplicate tweets across multiple accounts, a violation of our terms of service and the Twitter Rules that we take very seriously. Your account will remain suspended for a minimum of one week; you may petition for reinstatement on or after August 17, 2009."

An obvious and blatant spamming tactic on my part, you may think, but the simple truth is; I only ever had one account. As frustrating as this situation may be for me, personally, it is nothing compared to the frustrations of Twitter, itself.

I have to admit that, according to the rules of twitter (which I have now read), I was not whiter than white when using it. In my short time as an account holder I came to the conclusion that most users (the ones that I was interested in following, at least) were tweeting, either from or about their work, personally posting links and pictures on their page that they believed their followers would be interested in. I followed suit believing this to be a good use of twitter as generally speaking, our work is what people would be most interested in. If Stephen Fry, for example, were to talk about the weather or the lovely cup of tea he was drinking (being extra careful not to mention the company who manufactured it) who would be interested? We want to know about his work because that is what is interesting about him. As for the rest of us mortals, because our jobs may not be as interesting to most as Mr. Fry’s, we look for people in a similar line of work to ourselves to banter with and share information. If we are not to discuss what we do, how are we to find these people?

This could prove a difficult area for Twitter to police. Once you have read the rules on spamming, in particular, you realize that, if all of them were to be upheld to the letter, they would have very few users left indeed.

There is talk of Twitter Business, a service that will allow people to advertize what they do without fear of persecution. But will anyone use this as a social network? More likely, people will only use it if they are looking for a specific service. So, a search engine, then, which only allows the advertiser 140 characters to explain what they do in order to sell their wares. This will leave the advertiser with only one real option; to put up links to somewhere else where he can go into more detail about his product or service. The links would, more than likely, be to a website... Which has to beg the question; Why not cut out the middle man and just use a search engine instead?

This is probably the conclusion most people (and most spammers, for that matter) will come to once the hype dies down a little so lets hope that it is not the way Twitter plans to monetize itself or it will probably have a lot of disappointed paying advertisers on its hands.

So, if Twitter Business doesn’t seem likely to be viable in the long term, we are left with, plain old, Twitter; a social network where people are not allowed to publicize what they do for fear of being suspended.

It does go without saying that none of us enjoy receiving spam and that Twitter has to do something to prevent it, lest people will stop using the service. But, if it is to be trusted by its users, it cannot be suspending them for cross posting duplicate tweets across multiple accounts without first checking that these users are actually guilty of the infringement. If they continue to do so then the current suspension policy will ultimately achieve the opposite of its objective.

Though my Twitter account has now been reinstated, I now cannot escape the feeling that trying to rebuild my social network would be, at best, humiliating and at worst, just pointless, knowing, as I do, that Twitter could close it at any moment due to circumstances that are neither my fault nor within my control (if they actually exist in the first place). And so it is for these reasons, I will probably not use my account as much as used to and would certainly not have opened a new one had the original not been reinstated as I (and, I suspect, my erstwhile followers) would have seen this as an admission of guilt.

Much more importantly for Twitter, however; if I were a dyed-in-the-wool spammer, do you think the suspension of one account would offend so badly as to deter me from opening new ones? I would imagine that a real spammer would be back the very day after his first suspension with a virulent vengeance.

In short; the wrongfully convicted may never return whilst the genuine spammer will simply grow two new heads for each one that is severed.



E2 REG (Why Didn't I Think of That!)

I've just discovered E2 REG on my Twitter travels.
A very different service to Regfinder.net but probably just as good at what it does.
You sign up and register your private plates on their data base along with the price you want for them and potential buyers email you directly with offers....
And - so far as I can see - its absolutely bloody free...!
Good work people.



Mad as a box of Frogs...?

Just showing off now but I found this on Reg the other day for £400 and had to buy.
Needs to go on a Lambo really or some other nutter bastard sports car..
(Or maybe a 'Power Ranger' type motor bike?)


Ha Ha Ha.....!

I'm not havin' that...!

UP51DES for £1565.....!

Attention all!
The DVLA have just released 5644 straggler plates from the range below.


'UP51DES' is still available if one of you is quick...!
As for the rest of you?
Spend a bloody tenner on Regfinder.net and you'll find thousands more words like this. (tight gits!)



How To Fit New Number Plates To Your Vehicle

You don't have to be a mechanic to replace the number plates on your vehicle. Whether you are fitting new ones or replacing broken, lost or stolen ones, this article will guard you through the process from start to finish.

There will usually be just two scenarios where you find yourself needing to change a number plate on a vehicle. Firstly, exchanging an existing one and secondly, replacing a broken, lost or stolen one. In either case you will need very few tools and very little technical expertise.

Before you start keep in mind that the front number plate is the white one and the yellow one goes on the back (That sounds obvious, I know, but its a surprisingly easy mistake to make). Also that if you are replacing your original number plates with a personalized registration then before you fit the new plates to your car you must assign the registration to the vehicle. If you don t then the registration is not legal and you could end up with a fine and points on your license.

To assign the registration you must fill out the appropriate parts of the V750 certificate and then send it or take it in person with the required documents to your nearest D.V.L.A. Local Office. The sections of the certificate to be filled in will depend upon your particular circumstances. A step by step explanation of all these sections, as seen on the back of the V750 certificate, can be found in the Regfinder.net Help Index under the heading of Ordering a Number Plate from D.V.L.A. and you will find details of your nearest D.V.L.A. Local Office in the Got a Question? pages of the D.V.L.A. website.

(Scenario 1)
Exchanging your existing number plate.

You will need:

1. A cordless or electric drill

2. A 4mm to 6mm drill bit

3. A Philip s screw driver

Doing the Job:

1. Remove the original plate from the vehicle (Pop open the plastic caps and undo the screws)

2. Place the original plate exactly on top of the new one and drill holes in the new one using the original number plate holes as a template.

3. Screw new number plate to the vehicle using the original holes in the bumper (Don t forget to put the plastic caps on the screws first).

(Scenario 2)
Replacing your broken, lost or stolen number plate.
(If you don’t have the original one to use as a template)

You will need:

1; A cordless or electric drill

2; A 4mm to 6mm drill bit

3; A Philip's screw driver

4. A small amount of grease or anything of that texture (jam will do)

Doing the Job:

1; Unscrew the old plates. (or find placement screws if lost or stolen)

2; Put the old screws back in (without the plastic cap).

3; Put a blob of grease’ or jam on the screw heads.

4; Offer up the new number plate centrally until it touches the two screw heads.

5; Remove the screws.

6; Carefully, drill the new plates where the grease blobs appear. Remember you will be drilling from the back of the number plate so don t apply too much pressure or you may damage the front as the drill bit goes through.

7; Screw the new plate on. (Don t forget to put the plastic caps on the screws first).

If you re still uncertain about this process then its probably a better idea to go down to your local mechanic or car body shop and offer one of the lads 20 pounds to fit the number plates for you. It should only take him half an hour and you will probably find that he will supply any new plastic caps or screws that may be required.


Why Number Plate And Registration Dealers Are Expensive

Of course, we d all like a personal registration mark like the recently sold F1 plate but for most of us, the 440,000 pounds price tag would prove a little prohibitive. So, the trick, when searching for a private plate, is to find a good one that nobody knows exists but everyone would want if they did.

The D.V.L.A. is without doubt or exception the best value provider of UK personalized number plates there is. No one else can realistically compete because the D.V.L.A. creates them all in the first place. It is the only place you will ever find a genuine bargain. If you can find one, that is.

With a stock list often in excess of 30 million registrations you could spend the rest of your life trying to find words, names or phrases within it when most of the time you re not really sure what you re looking for until you see it, and when most of the number plates don t make a word, anyway.

Even if you had the time and patience for a task of this scale, the D.V.L.A. stock is in perpetual flux, selling between 500 & 1000 number plates every day with millions more being added every 6 months. Its not that surprising then, that most people either give up the search completely or turn to one of the many privately run, after market, registration plate dealers currently operating.

Private dealers mostly offer a good service but can never offer the best value. They make their money by marking up the product which in itself would not seem too unreasonable. Every business needs to make a profit, however some of the top dealers need to spend 50,000 pounds a week on advertising before they do. This money has to come from somewhere.

An example of this pricing is the registration mark: UP51ART. I bought this registration from the D.V.L.A. for 799 pounds after finding it by default using the, then manual, Regfinder algorithm and realized I had to be on to something as it had been available on the D.V.L.A. website for nearly 3 years without anyone else noticing it. You don t have to look very far in the private dealers advertisements to see that most 7 letter word number plates of this caliber are on sale for at least 10k.

Knowing that with the Regfinder.net system I could find thousands of such registrations I briefly thought my day job would soon be a thing of the past. But its not that simple. I have contacted most of the private traders regarding UP51ART over the years and been offered fixed contract prices of between 1200 and 216 pounds. Needless to say UP51ART is staying in my possession for the foreseeable future.

It could always have been worse, though. I could have bought UP51ART from one of these companies for 10,000 pounds and then been told the fixed price that they would be willing to guarantee me for it if I wanted them to sell it for me again.

All of this lead to the decision to build Regfinder.net. The number plate search engine. Now, Instead of manually trawling through the whole D.V.L.A. registration number stock with pen and paper we have turned the idea into an algorithmic database that is updated daily for everyone to use and have found over 200,000 words and names in as many different ways possible.

To date, Regfinder.net has found, categorized, availability checked and price checked over 30 million readable registration marks starting from A at the beginning of the prefix plates up to 13 in the current style, most of which are still available or will be in the future. Regfinder.net links you directly to your registration of choice on the D.V.L.A. website. All of the available personalized number plates found on Regfinder.net are bought directly by the user from the D.V.L.A. for the D.V.L.A. price.

Unlike all the private dealers Regfinder.net does not mark up the D.V.L.A. prices, nor does it receive any form of payment from the D.V.L.A. or any of the private companies. This project was started with a Robin Hood style design remit in mind and we believe that everyone who uses this service will be so pleased, they will tell others about it. Word of mouth will be the only advertising we will need.
