
Scots top car number plates list

People who have personalised number plates on their cars are most likely to live in Scotland, a survey has found.
Click Here! To "Reeed'aw'booo'tet"!!!

Reg's S.A. Holiday Snaps


Just back from South Africa where there is some truly breathtaking scenery and thought I’d put up some of my holiday photo’s.

Apparently you can have anything you like (within obvious reason) on private plates as long as nobody else has it.

They cost about R6000 (£400) and you must have the regional initials on the end like ‘WP’ for Western Province (or “Weeeeeestern Proooooorrvince” as the geezer telling me this stuff liked to call it....... I did try to correct him but he wasn’t having any of it).


Tip for Dealers; Apparently the government down there have only recently started selling these plates so my guess is there won't be much of an after sales market yet....?!?!
Why not get yourselves down there.
You see....

Reggie's not all bad.

£210k for '10' Plate

Working with number plates is a bit like working at a Ferrari factory.
You get to 'handle' them all day but you ain't never gonna own an Enzo....... (sigh)
Anyway, dreamers..... Click Here! To learn more
