
Best Video Game of 08...!

Click Here...! to play

(Absolutely nothing to do with UK registration plates.... Just made me laugh)


Room 101 (on personalised plates)

Oh, I can't be arsed.
I was gonna bang on about how you'll never hear anyone saying how hilarious Room 101 is but that'd probably be more boring than the show.
Even Merton looks bored.
(and who is this other bloke, anyway?)



Why Regfinder.net



Of course, we’d all like a personal registration mark like the recently sold “F1” plate but for most of us, the £440,000 price tag would prove a little prohibitive.
So, the trick with private plates is to find a good one that nobody knows exists but everyone would want if they did.

The DVLA is without doubt or exception the best stocked and best value provider of UK personalised number plates there is... How could anyone else compete when the DVLA create them all in the first place.
It is the only place you will ever find a genuine bargain..... If you can find one, that is.

With a stock often in excess of 30 million registrations it would take a life time to sift through, trying to find words, names or phrases when, half the time, you’re not really sure what your looking for until you see it, and when most of the number plates don’t read anything, anyway.

Even if you had the time and patience for a task of this daunting scale, the DVLA stock is in perpetual flux, selling between 500 & 1000 cherished number plates every day with millions more being added every 6 months.
It’s not that surprising then, that most people become jaded by the whole process and either give up the search completely or turn to one of the many privateer registration plate dealers currently operating.

Privateer dealers mostly offer a good service but never offer good value.
They make their money by "marking up the product" which in itself wouldn’t seem too unreasonable. Everyone needs to make a living but, it would seem, some people need considerably less sleep than others once they’ve done so.

We all view estate agents with a little distain for making 1% or 2% on the sale of our property.
Imagine then, that you bought a house for £1 million and then discovered that the vendor received only £100k while the estate agent pocketed the £900K balance.....
And that this practice is not only legal, it’s the industry standard.
How do you feel....?
How does the vendor feel....?

It does stand to reason that privateer number plate dealers would have to make this sort of mark up as some of the bigger companies spend in excess of £50,000 a week on advertising.

That money has to come from somewhere.....

An example of this remarkable pricing is the personalised registration mark: – UP51ART.
I bought this from the DVLA for £799 after finding it by default using the - then manual – Regfinder system and quickly realized I had to be onto something as it had been available on the DVLA website for 2 or 3 years without anyone else noticing it.
You don't have to look very far in the private dealer’s advertisements to see that most 7 letter word number plates of this caliber are on sale for £10k or more.

Knowing that with the Regfinder system I could find THOUSANDS of such registrations I briefly thought my day job would soon be a thing of the past..... But its not that simple.

I’ve contacted most of the privateer traders regarding UPS1ART over the passed 2 or 3 years and been offered fixed contract prices of between £1200 and £216...

Needless to say UP51ART is staying in my possession for the foreseeable future..

It could always be worse though... I could have bought UP51ART from one of these companies for £10,000 then been told the price they would be willing to buy it back for..........

But, “Out of a virus the vaccine will come”, and this “virus” helped us with the decision to build Regfinder.net.

Now, Instead of manually trawling through the whole DVLA registration plate stock with pen and paper we've turned the idea into - "The number plate search engine" – for everyone to use and have found over 200,000 words and names.
Nearly all of them many times over.

To date, Regfinder.net has found, categorised, availability checked and price checked over 30 MILLION readable registration marks starting from “A” at the beginning of the prefix plates up to “13” in the current style.

All of the available personalised number plates found on Regfinder.net can be bought;-


Unlike the privateer dealers we aren’t a “middle man” and so don’t “mark up” the DVLA prices, nor do we receive any form of payment from the DVLA or any of the privateer companies. We charge a flat fee of £10 to register with Regfinder.net and that is all.

This project was started with a "Robin Hood style” design remit in mind and we believe that every £10 spent with us will create a customer so pleased, they’ll tell others about Regfinder.net

Word of mouth – we’re sure - will be the only advertising we'll need.



Get a job/grip, Cameron.


1 RH Plate Auction (21/11/08)

There's still some big money out there for the right number plates.


Reg's Australian Cousin?

I like your spunk, mate...!
(It means something else down there, apparently.)


Good one for a dentist...?

You'd need to be an NHS dentist to afford a number plate like this..


Get off the Smack, Dopey!



Unfineable Number Plates in London

Wouldn't you just love to be able to have that conversation with a traffic warden!!!
(Just before you ripped out his 'fu%^^Y^* &tr4££%$%£"*' and then '*yu5$54"$£"$£"$£$*' in his ear....!)
Money may not buy you happiness but it seems that it can buy you the odd moment of sheer pleasure.


I don't think I like where this is going

Imagine if he moved at the last minute and got a nad slap instead.....!


Genius or the Dullest C**t Alive?...... You Decide..!

Jesus, mate. You should have got Ricky Gervas to do this registrations video...!


Ha ha ha...!


Lithuania Plates (Part 2)


These geezers must have sold a lot of 'Big Issues'



Numbingly Dull Number Plate Facts (so dull you'll lose the will to live...!)

Ever wondered why DVLA Personalised Registrations have so many number plates on their website...? (usually somewhere between 25 and 35 million)
Well, I'm gonna tell you anyway.
Fact is there could be an awful lot more but they withdraw most of the new issues from sale after the first month. We don't know how or why the survivors are selected but do know the maths to work out how many there should be;-

Current Style

23x23x1x1x24x24x24 = 7,312,896 new releases every 6 months since “51” (times 14) = 102,380,544 up to and inc. “08”.

Prefix Style

1x9x10x10x23x23x23 = 10,950,300 Plus

1x9x10x23x23x23 = 1,095,030 Plus

1x9x23x23x23 = 109,503
Sub Total = 12154833 on every new release from “A” to “Y” (times 21) = 255,251,493

Total = 357,632,037

There are only 30 about million cars on the road.
Even if you said that, to date, 60 million plates had been used up to include lorries, bikes, scraped vehicles and private plate purchases etc. the remainder would still be enough to put most punters off searching.

Would have been even better for Reggie though.

If you wanted to include the Suffix range then the total = 612,883,530 give or take.

(PS:- There may be some of you who notice that this equation isn't exactly correct and feel the need to contact us about it..........Just don't, eh?)



Who ate all the Pies

I think this number plate will look good on a Harley Fat Boy...?


Bentley Super 8

I went to a Bentley racing day at Silverstone last year courtesy of NJC Autotech and saw this truly horrifying car. Apparently, Bentley built just 9 of these cars at a cost of £25m EACH! (or was that the other way around?) solely to race at Le Mans. Anyway, you could be driven for half a lap of the track - which could have taken no more than a minute - for the paltry sum of...£1000! So... If you people don't use Regfinder.net - which cost 2 years of my life - then i ain't gonna get to have that experience.... Come on!


Regfinder.net Dog

I found this dog whilst out walking one day. Given that i wasn't very hungry at the time, i decided to keep her. She's now the official "Regfinder.net Dog". Like Top Gear dog but sadder. We named her RL03FXN so she could have her own personalised number plate. Also, I've trained her to sleep in the oven just in case. (Easy, you just put the dinner bowl in there...! clever eh?).


Mc Cann

I found this plate on regfinder.net for the bloke who built the house next door to me.
Not bad for £400...?



Maybe we should start a "Yourplateisshit.com" website...? A great laugh having this number plate on a van, though.. Park it next to a Ferrari and it still turns more heads.... There's thousands like this on Regfinder.net



Shouldn't be advertising for the enemy, really, but a good plate is a good plate.
Click here! to pay more......... SEE MORE! See More! I meant 'see more', of course.


I'm officially announcing PlateSpeak. PlateSpeak is basically Number Plate language. Why? Cos I can. It works like Regfinder does and is a bit like Text speak only using number plates. I'll post the rules....ummm when I've made them up.

EXAMPLE of PlateSpeak:

mary had a little lamb it's fleece was white as snow....

or summat like that.... need refining.



Got an email from DVLA last week telling us to remove UN08END from our records.
I bet they enjoyed sending that one.

Thing is:

1. It wasn't on Regfinder.net (must improve NOB = KNOB)......... Done

2. what about the other 22,000 odd rude number plates on Regfinder.net :-)