A driver in Skye was cleared in court after it was claimed that cyclists, who complained about her driving, did not like her "satanic" S666 SKY car number plates.
Sally Phelps, 65, was accused at Portree Sheriff and JP Court of careless driving in her black Volvo sports car by passing too close to a couple of women cyclists and frightening them. She was found not guilty after defence solicitor Duncan Burd produced a Bible in court and told the three magistrates on the bench: "The two cyclists were annoyed at the devil's car going past them so decided to report her to the police."
Yesterday, Mrs Phelps, a community councillor, of Kilmuir House guest house, Kilmuir, said: "I am not scrapping my unique registration plate, despite its apparent controversy. I had no idea my car number had connections with the devil.
"When my husband, Roy, bought the number several years ago it was for the 'SKY' part. The 666 bit came with it."
One of the cyclists, Fiona MacDonald, 49, who said in evidence she was a Christian, claimed she "felt the heat" of the car as it passed her with its "number of the beast" registration plates.
Mr Burd told the court; "In the Bible, Revelations 13:18 says 'Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast for it is the number of a man. His number is 666'."
Fiscal Stewart Maciver told the magistrates; "It is not the case that the cyclists were out to get her as she shot past in her fancy Volvo. There is nothing more sinister than it is a distinctive plate."
Both Mrs MacDonald and her friend, Victoria MacLean, 42, both of Uig, Skye, denied that the 666 registration plates had prompted a complaint to the police.
The chairwoman of the magistrates told Mrs Phelps; "It has been a difficult decision but there is reasonable doubt, so you are entitled to an acquittal. You are not guilty."