
Famous People's Plate Game....!

Loading up Richard Herrings rather disturbing OCD game made me think of another one...!
I'm gonna start off a list of 'Famous Number Plates!' to try and make this blog look a bit more 'profeshnial'.
The idea is; I start it off by putting up a few number plates that some famous people are known to own then you lot can add more in the comments.
The trick is, you have to try and write the owners name within a number plate....!
Genius, eh....?
Then I'll work something out so that one of you randomly gets some sort of prize for being the best just like they do at the BBC (in other words, you'll get f**k all) and we'll call it a quiz!!!

Ok, lets kick this pig:

AMS 1 / (Sir)(Alan) S11GAR
B33FYS / (Sir)(Ian) BO07HAM (Sir)
DB 1 / B3CKS
UP51ART / (Sir : ) R J 57EEL
A B06 NOD/ GE07GEY (Micheal)
LA 53NZA / 7HEO (Paphississiskiisiskziik)
FR07AGE / I'll let you lot have that one : )

So there's a few to get you started and if this descends into the sort of on line custard pie fight that I think it will, we should have a few laughs.

(Note to self;- Or I could make a 'plate/name' data base and turn it into a true or false game..... Hmmm, more work.)

Richard Herrings Number Plate Game

I'm only gonna leave this up until people start complaining of mental health issues.
(and then it's going on the front page...!)

Click here! to play!


Oral Sex

Christ.... I'm a bad enough driver as it is without starting this caper.


Worlds most expensive Number Plate

Hmmmm.... $14,000,000, eh...?
I might have sold him Regfinder.net for that much.

